House Names
The houses of Whanganui High School are:
The houses originate from a well-known whakataukī proverb:
E rere kau mai te awa nui, Mai te i kāhui maunga ki Tangaroa, Ko au te awa, Ko te awa ko au.
The river flows from the mountain to the sea. I am the river, the river is me.
The official Houses Opening Day for all students and staff of Whanganui High School took place on Friday, 16 February 2018 at the Jubilee Stadium, Whanganui. Whanganui High School historically had a house system but in lapsed in 1972; eight Houses were introduced in 1982 just for swimming and athletics but his lapsed in 1989. During 2017 the community was consulted about possible House names and identities. The four House names chosen were Awa, Maunga, Moana and Whenua. Those names were gifted to the school, along with the iwi story of the origin of the Whanganui River at the Houses Opening Day.
The Whanganui High School kapa haka group, Kia Whaiora, welcomed visitors bringing the school a taonga at this special assembly - Watch the video of WHS Kapa Haka group
Story of 'The Creation of The Whanganui River'
"The Creation of The Whanganui River" (Te Pakimaero o Te Awa o Whanganui), is the iwi story of the origin of the Whanganui River. This was gifted to Whanganui High School at our House Opening Day on Friday, 16 February 2018. Our house names derive from this story. You can read the creation story here.
Weekly Summary & Sport Days
Our weekly LIFE house points summary and sport days results - can be viewed here.