HIS1 - History

Subject Choice
Full Year
Invitation Only:
Achievement Standard
up to 20
Leads To:
History (NCEA 2)

To promote an understanding of historical events and issues in a variety of world settings in the 20th century. To provide the knowledge and skills required for future studies in the social sciences and to help students relate and act as responsible members of society. To understand the significance of world events to us as New Zealanders. Two themes: International Relations and Social Change. Specific topics: Local history research assignment. Origins of World War Two; Pearl Harbour and Hiroshima.

Available Standards:

Some or all of the following will be offered
Title Description Level Credits Assessment U.E. Reading U.E. Writing
92024 Engage with a variety of primary sources in a historical context. This will involve a local history study of Whanganui. 1 5 Internal No No
92025 Demonstrate understanding of the significance of a historical context. This looks at the significance of Pākaitore to Whanganui. 1 5 Internal No No
92026 Demonstrate understanding of historical concepts in contexts of significance to Aotearoa New Zealand. This will look at an International context such as 'The Bombing of Pearl Harbour'. 1 5 External No No
92027 Demonstrate understanding of perspectives on a historical context. Possible topics: 'Whina Cooper, The Dawn Raids, and Taranaki Wars'. 1 5 External No No
Other courses in History:

(*) Last Reviewed: June 30, 2021

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