Name | Role | Phone | |
Mrs Lisa Murphy | Teacher in Charge | +64-6-3490178 | |
Cost | The school and interschool events incur no financial cost, just an investment in regular training. |
As well as our annual Cross Country Champs, Whanganui High School students compete and train through the school. We have a year-round programme with emphasis on Cross Country and Conditioning during winter and Athletics in summer. The Cross Country programme caters for winter sports players.
The WHS School Cross Country takes place on Friday 10 May at Whanganui High School.
Year 9 and Year 10 students will be preparing for this in PE classes.
From the school event, teams will be selected for the Whanganui Secondary School’s competition, which takes place on Tuesday 21 May.
Our most successful runners will then be invited to represent Whanganui High School at the National Secondary Schools' Cross Country event held in Christchurch on 15 June 2024.
Training Days: Generally, Tuesday and Thursday at school from 3:15pm, with some Saturday morning trainings close to competitions.
Coaches: Greg Fromont & Elaine Baker
Last Reviewed: May 13, 2024
This post is over a year old. Some of the information this contains may be outdated.Please email the office if you think this information requires review.