Exploration & Discovery Club

Key Information

Name Role Phone Email
Mr Bevan Hunter Teacher in Charge hunter.b@whs.ac.nz

The Exploration and Discovery Club provides opportunities for students to explore remote and unique places around the North Island. The point is to enjoy new sites, make new friends, laugh, practice your car karaoke and learn a little along the way. Students need to be travel hardened and be able to withstand long van trips on very windy roads.

Who can join: Year 10 to Year 13

When: Usually one trip per Term. Meetings are only held prior to our trips. Membership is open to Year 10 to 13. Trip information will be posted in the Daily Notices. Come and speak to Mr Hunter at any time for further details.

Cost: Costs range from $40 for a day trip, $150 overnight, up to $500 for longer three night trips.
All destination and number dependent.

(*) Last Reviewed: May 24, 2024

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