Model United Nations

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Model United Nations is a conference that simulates the real working of a UN assembly. Students take on a diplomatic persona, and defend the policies of the country that they are representing and they also get to discuss and learn about real international issues. The invaluable experience of learning about the factors that influence the outcome of international political deliberations will help students develop skills such as independent research skills, debating and negotiating skills, and expanding their knowledge base on international relations. So if you have an enquiring mind, enjoy intelligent conversation and like to have fun, Model UN is perfect for you.

Junior and Senior Model United Nations General Assembly Days

Who can join: Juniors = Year 9-10, Senior = Year 11-13

When: Each Model United Nations General Assembly Day is held once a year, but preparation takes about a month ahead of the assembly day. Senior MUNS is in March, and the Junior MUNS is in November.

Cost: $10 per team of 3 people

Regional United Nations Speech Awards

Who can join: All students

When: Meet in F6 in Term One. The Regional Speech Competition in usually in early April so we work on it from early March to end of April.

(*) Last Reviewed: September 23, 2019

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