Volleyball - Girls

Key Information

Name Role Phone Email
When Term 1, Term 4

Trials for Junior teams are at the start of Term 1.
Senior Competitive teams trial in Term 3.
Opportunities to create own team also exist for Senior social students.

Practices vary during the week, and will e confirmed once teams are sorted.

All Junior students participate in an Inter-school competition in Terms 1 & 4 at a small cost, run by Sport Wanganui.
Senior Social teams play Term 1 only. Games are Wednesday after school at Jubilee Stadium.
Senior Boys and Girls Competitive teams work towards going to Secondary School Nationals in Term 1 and play in the Manawatu Competition on Tuesday nights in Term 1.

Cost: $10 - Juniors and Social Seniors playing in local competition.
Competitive Seniors: $165 for Palmerston North competition and cost of Nationals is separate (approx $200).

Coach: Katrina Thompson

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(*) Last Reviewed: November 17, 2023

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