Get 2 Go Adventure Racing 2020

This year we took one team up to New Plymouth for the Junior (year 9 and 10) Get 2 Go Regional Competition on 29 November. The team was made up of Chase Morpeth, Levi Hoekstra, Charlie Meredith, Alistair Cameron, Rebekah Bayler, Estelle Murray, Carrie and Teresa Rennie.

With a change of regions we where up against it this year, joining the New Plymouth schools who are the National Champs in both the junior and senior teams and competing on their home turf up in New Plymouth on a beautiful spring day.

Students took part in Mountain Biking, Water transfer, Problem solving and a Kayaking/Paddle boarding challenge for 1 hour at each activity. They then had to complete a Rogaine (orienteering) course, which involved them navigating though parks and urban areas to find controls and complete challenges in a 90 minute time frame.

The teams finished a credible 10th which was pleasing as it was all but one team members first time.

Mr J Barnett
TIC of Adventure Racing 30/10/20

(*) Last Reviewed: November 2, 2020

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