Te Miringa Parkes to talk about her Social Enterprise Journey

Te Miringa Parkes is only 20 (turning 21 on Saturday) and not only runs three businesses but is also about to complete a BA/B Com degree in Auckland. One of those businesses is a social enterprise one and she will be talking about her journey to date on this Friday from 12noon to 1pm at Confluence, Watt St. The cost is $10. Contact Nicola Patrick on 027 871 6459 or nicola@nicolapatrick.com

In March 2020 she was given a grant of $5,000 through Thrive in Whanganui to set up her social enterprise project. She says, “It was my Mum’s idea. I just took it further.”

The placenta is very important in Māori culture. It is customary Māori practice to bury the placenta in the land, most often in a place with ancestral connections. However, it is normally wrapped in a plastic bag when leaving hospital.

What Te Miringa has come up with is a culturally sensitive and beautiful way of holding the placenta until it is buried. It consists of a plain white bio degradable card box. Te Miringa explains, “We want it to be as natural as possible, giving the recipient the freedom to do what they want, to decorate it or not.”

Included in the box are some native tree seeds, a natural harakeke tie for the umbilical cord, a personalised card for the mother to write on, information about what to do and how to talk with your midwife and a keepsake box. It can be put into the freezer for a later burial.

The business is still in its early stages and Te Miringa says, “We are testing what mums want and to incorporate those ideas. It is very personal and we prefer to contact mums and midwives directly rather than doing general marketing.

Te Miringa says, “I got my mindset and drive from my mum. She has owned her own eye lash company for about 15 years. At Whanganui High School I studied accounting and economics and am majoring in accounting entrepreneurship at University. From an early age I wanted to be my own boss.”

River City Press 11/3/21

(*) Last Reviewed: March 17, 2021

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