Fundraising for educational exchange with Argentina

WHS student Ally Bennett, fundraising for student exchange programme.

For the past few years students at Whanganui High School have had the chance to be involved in a student exchange programme with students in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In 2017 ten Argentinean students will arrive in February and in April their High School partners will go to Buenos Aires. Ally Bennett who will be in year 13 next year, is one of the High School students and today she popped in to River City Press selling raffle tickets to help fund her trip.

The students need to pay for their flights, insurance and have enough spending for the trip. Ally is aiming for a total of $3000 and she is sharing a raffle fundraiser with a friend of hers, who is also going on the trip.

Because Whanganui High School has many more girls than boys going, Ally’s Argentinean partner is a boy. Fortunately her brother has just finished school and his room will be available. Ally has been learning Spanish and is looking forward to the experience which will not only help her Spanish fluency but will also give her a chance to have “an authentic experience, living with locals and going to a local school.” She says that most Argentineans start learning English early and are good speakers, albeit with a ‘proper’ usage because of the formal way English is taught.

If anyone has any other fundraising ideas and would like to help Ally, contact her on 027 535 1227.

River City Press 22/12/16

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