Get 2 Go Adventure Racing

Get 2 Go Adventure Racing  in New Plymouth – 24 August 2017 

This year we took 2 teams up to New Plymouth for the Junior (year 9 and 10) get 2 go regional competition. Each team was made up of 4 boys and 4 girls

With a change of regions we where up against it this year, joining the New Plymouth schools who are the National champs in both the junior and senior teams and competing on their home turf up in New Plymouth on a beautiful winters day.

Students took part in Mountain Biking, Water transfer, Problem solving and a Kayaking/Paddle boarding challenge for 1 hour at each activity. They then had to complete a Rogaine (orienteering) course, which involved them navigating though parks and urban areas to find controls and complete challenges in a 2 hour time frame.

The teams finished a credible 6th and 11th with only New Plymouth Boys and Girls and Francis Douglas teams in front of them. 

(Josh Barnett, TIC of Adventure Racing) 

(*) Last Reviewed: Not yet reviewed.

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