Science leads Rhaz to the final frontier - May 2015

LAUNCH READY: Physics whiz Rhaz Solomon of Wanganui High School will gain astronautic experience at Space Camp in America.

Wanganui High School student Rhaz Solomon is off to Space Camp in Alabama, US, to attend the International Advanced Space Academy.

Rhaz was chosen, along with five other New Zealand students, for his genuine interest in space science and his intention to study science at tertiary level next year.

"I'm not actually studying physics this year because I completed Level 3 last year," said the Year 13 student.

" I am really looking forward to the space science experiences and putting the theory into practice."

Rhaz and the other Kiwis will be joined by more than 150 students from 23 different countries at the camp, where they will gain hands-on experience in astronaut training - learning about the mental, emotional and physical challenges astronauts face.

There will be opportunities to experience scuba diving, four Gs of lift-off force and weightlessness in the space simulator.

The students will be funded to by the Talented School Students Travel Award, administered by the Royal Society of NZ and funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

Rhaz and the other five New Zealand students will leave for the US in July.

(*) Last Reviewed: Not yet reviewed.

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