Student fundraising talent quest draws 300 - September 2015

WINNERS of the Wanganui Secondary Schools combined competition were Eleishah Hodson and Te Paerata Tichbon of Wanganui High School. The Sea Syd crew also gained third place with Ben Clow filling Finn Brown’s role in the performance.  

Bands, a magician and an a capella group gave it their all for a special fundraising talent quest at Wanganui High School on Saturday night.

The amount of money raised for local flood relief funds has yet to be finalised but facilitator Kiri Wilson said it was a great night. She said about 300 people kept things ticking along from 6.30-9pm.

"There were some parents in the crowd to support some of the acts, but the event was put together by the students themselves. We had no teachers, staff or parents involved," Miss Wilson said.

The concert was sparked by an idea from the Wanganui District Council's youth committee, which organised a schools' leaders network as a way of helping school leaders get to know one another. The network decided to do something for the community and the talent quest was the outcome.

"We've had a lot of really good feedback," Miss Wilson said.

(*) Last Reviewed: Not yet reviewed.

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