Students give back with can donation - December 2015

Wanganui City Mission foodbank shelves got a top-up yesterday thanks to donations from year 9 and 10 students at Wanganui High School.

The students have been giving back to the community this week doing volunteer work and they were also asked to bring either a dollar or a can donation to school.

More than 160 cans were collected and City Mission administrator Justin Mulligan said they would be a big help in topping up foodbank stocks because there is usually high demand during the holiday season.

"We are quite well stocked since the foodbank drive in October but we are always thankful for donations," he said.

Mission staff are preparing for the annual Christmas dinner at the War Memorial Centre and Mr Mulligan said they needed volunteers to help out on the day.

Tickets for the Christmas dinner are available from the City Mission centre at 62a Taupo Quay or the Zest store at 163 Victoria Ave, and cost $3 for individuals or $2 for family members attending together.

"There will be door sales available, as well, but we really need volunteer helpers to make it happen."

Anyone who will be available to help on Christmas day can contact the City Mission on 06 345 2139.

(*) Last Reviewed: Not yet reviewed.

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