WHS Champions Tough Guy & Gal Challenge - September 2015

WHS Champions Tough Guy & Gal Challenge, Wellington, 7 September 2015.

Well done to our team of 15 students that went to Wellington to compete.

WHS won the overall Toughest School Trophy out of 200 competitors.


Junior Girls
1st Maria Williams
2nd Morgan Filer
3rd Nikita Terry

Junior Boys
1st Travis Bayler
2nd Connor Monro

Senior Girls
1st Mikal Terry
3rd Kayla Spencer

Overall results for all grades
3rd Joshua Barnett

The event was a 12km run through mud, up hills, through rivers, under and over cargo nets, under and over barbed wire, crawling through electrified fencing, through setting concrete and swim.

Brillant result for WHS!!
Well done team and Mr Barnett and Mr Shepherd.

(Lisa Murphy, Sports Co-ordinator)

(*) Last Reviewed: Not yet reviewed.

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