Hockey - Boys

Key Information

Name Role Phone Email
Ms Natalie Harris Teacher in Charge
When Term 2, Term 3
Uniform/Equipment **Equipment:** Must have own stick, shin pads and mouthguard.

Most games are played at the Gonville Turf in Alma Road or the Collegiate Turf in Grey Street during the week, with the 1st XI Boys & Girls teams travelling to play in the Palmerston North League.

Practices are at Whanganui High School or at the Gonville Hockey turf after school/evening.

1st XI - $360 approx (dependent on turf fees)
2nd XI - $150 approx (dependent on turf fees)
Please be aware that travel costs may be added on for the teams that are playing in Palmerston North. Uniform will be allocated once fees are paid.

1st XI Coach: Luke Kirk

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(*) Last Reviewed: May 17, 2024

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