Vocational Studies


The Vocational Studies Department at Whanganui High School opens many pathways for our senior students to experience while at school. It’s a great way for students to combine school studies with workplace learning, industry training, experience of the “real world of work” and attend a variety of external courses.


Students who are accepted in the Year 12 & 13 programme will have 5 of their 6 line “locked in” to a vocational timetable. Subjects include, Communication English, Financial Literacy, Health, Food Technology and Employment Skills. Students chose one other interest subject. These classes are taught at school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays’ with Thursday and Friday as their Career days.


Programmes are designed to assist students to prepare for employment and to develop general post-school living skills. Students will spend time in the work force experiencing different work placements and working in various industries of their choice. Students who enrol in the Gateway programme will have the additional benefit of gaining qualifications while in the workplace, as well as attending school for three days of the week. The other two days of the week are set aside as Career Days. During this time, students can opt to go out to work placement and/or attend an external course.

External Courses

There are varying off-site courses for which senior students can apply. Students will be enrolled with a course provider e.g UCOL, Ag Challenge, Trade & Commerce or Taratahi and attend one or two days per week, gaining credits in a variety of programmes. Not only are they able to further enhance their NCEA qualifications, but also, this contact with other Tertiary organisations enables the students to more easily transition from the Secondary School system into the “adult” world.

Work Placements

Work experience is available to all senior students.

Any senior student can apply to the department to help organise a short-term placement in an industry of their choice. This can be done by contacting the Vocational Studies Employment Co-ordinator.

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(*) Last Reviewed: June 1, 2020

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